Thursday, 15 April 2010

I'm back!!!

Hello everyone!

So, clearly I've been otherwise engaged for a while... sorry about that! Work, life, more work and hitting the big 3.0. got in the way somewhere along the line. But now I'm back.

There's been loads of really exciting stuff happening at recently. The website is getting more and more popular and we have some great new guest writers who will be sharing their pearls of dating wisdom on the site soon. I've also been having meetings about something VERY exciting, but currently top secret, so watch this space... more to follow.
Anyway, I'm exhausted having struggled through watching the whole of the leaders debate so I'm off to Bedfordshire.

It's good to be back London ;)


1 comment:

  1. Errrgggghhhh, the leaders debate, exhausting and very cringe-worthy. Good to have you back Miss Mary, perhaps you could arrange a national dating debate next time instead?
